
Negara Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Menurut Albert Venn Dicey

Negara Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Menurut Albert Venn Dicey yang dikembangkan olehnya sesuai  tradisi Anglo Amerika dengan sebutan ‘The Rule of Law’ yaitu sebagai berikut ini:

(a) Supremacy of Law,

(b). Equality before the law,

(c) Due Process of Law.




Albert Venn Dicey, KC, FBA biasanya disebut sebagai A. V. Dicey, adalah seorang ahli hukum dan ahli teori konstitusi Whig Inggris. Ia paling dikenal luas sebagai penulis Pengantar Studi Hukum Konstitusi (1885). Prinsip-prinsip yang diuraikannya dianggap sebagai bagian dari konstitusi Inggris yang tidak terkodifikasi. Ia menjadi Profesor Hukum Inggris Vinerian di Oxford, salah satu Profesor Hukum pertama di London School of Economics, dan seorang sarjana konstitusi terkemuka pada zamannya. Ia juga mempopulerkan frase “aturan hukum”, meskipun penggunaannya kembali ke abad ke-17. Ia lahir pada tanggal 4 Februari 1835 di Lutterworth, Britania Raya dan wafat pada tanggal 7 April 1922 di Oxford, Britania Raya.




1.  The Privy council, 1860

2.  Introduction to the Study of the Law of the Constitution, 1885

3.  England’s Case Against Home Rule, 1886

4.  Letters on unionist delusions, 1887

5.  Why England maintains the union, 1887

6.  The Verdict: A Tract on the Political Significance of the Report of the Parnell Commission, 1890

7.  Studies in Constitutional Law: France–England–United States, 1891

8.  A Leap in the Dark, 1893

9.  A Digest of the Law of England with Reference to the Conflict of Laws, 1896

10.  Dicey’s Conflict of laws, 1896

11.  The Teaching of English Law at Harvard, 1900

12.  Lectures on the Relation Between Law & Public Opinion in England During the Nineteenth Century, 1905

13.  Osnovy gosudarstvennago prava Anglīi: (Introduction to the study of the law of the constitution.) Vvedenīe v izuchenīe anglīĭskoĭ konstitut︠s︡īi, 1905

14.  Letters to a friend on votes for women, 1909

15.  Woman Suffrage: An Appeal to Members of Parliament, 1909

16.  A Leap in the Dark: A Criticism of the Principles of Home Rule as Illustrated by the Bill of 1893, 1912

17.  A Fool’s Paradise: Being a Constitutionalist’s Criticism on the Home Rule Bill of 1912, 1913

18.  The Statesmanship Of Wordsworth, 1917

19.  Thoughts on the union between England & Scotland, 1920

20.  Dicey and Morris on the Conflict of Laws: Up to Date to October 1, 1974

21.  Dicey and Morris on the Conflict of Laws: Up to Date to October 1, 1976

22.  [On the conflict of laws ] ; Dicey and Morris on the conflict of laws. Cumulative Suppl. 1. Up to date to Ocober 1, 1977

23.  Dicey and Morris on the Conflict of Laws: Up to Date to October 1, 1978

24.  Dicey and Morris on the Conflict of Laws. 7th Cumulative Supplement: Up to Date to October 1, 1979

25.  Dicey and Morris on the Conflict of Laws: First Supplement to the 10th Edition Up to Date to October 1, 1981

26.  Can English Law be Taught at the Universities? An Inaugural Lecture, Delivered at All Souls College, 21st April, 1883, 1883

27.  Dicey and Morris on the Conflict of Laws, 1993

28.  Law and Public Opinion in England, 1996

29.  A Leap in the Dark: Large Print

30.  A.V. Dicey: General Characteristics of English Constitutionalism : Six Unpublished Lectures

31.  Common-law Pleading

32.  Comparative Constitutionalism

33.  Constitutional Reflections: The Correspondence of Albert Venn Dicey and Arthur Berriedale Keith

34.  Dicey, Morris and Collins on the Conflict of Laws

35.  Dicey and Morris on the Conflict of Laws: First cumulative supplement to the eleventh edition

36.  Dicey and Morris on the Conflict of Laws: Supplement

37.  Dicey and Morris on the Conflict of Laws: Supplement to the twelfth edition

38.  Dicey and Morris on the Conflict of Laws: Up-to-date to January 1, 1968. First supplement to the eighth edition

39.  Diritto e opinione pubblica nell’Inghilterra dell’Ottocento

40.  Einführung in das Studium des Verfassungsrechts

41.  El derecho de la constitucion

42.  Introduzione allo studio del diritto costituzionale. Le basi del costituzionalismo inglese

43.  Lectures on the Relation Between Law and Public Opinion During the 19th Century

44.  Le Statut Personnel Anglais: Ou, La Loi Du Domicile Envisagée Comme Branche Du Droit Anglais; Volume 1

45.  Le Statut Personnel Anglais: Ou, La Loi Du Domicile Envisagée Comme Branche Du Droit Anglais; Volume 2

46.  Memorials of Albert Venn Dicey: Being Chiefly Letters and Diaries

47.  The Law of the Constitution

48.  The Privy Council – Scholar’s Choice Edition

49.  The Verdict – Scholar’s Choice Edition

50.  Wordsworth’s Tract on the Convention of Cintra

51.  ¿Puede enseñarse el derecho inglés en las universidades?



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