
Kondisi dan Perkembangan Sosiologi Hukum Menurut Nathan Roscoe Pound

Kondisi dan Perkembangan Sosiologi Hukum Menurut Nathan Roscoe Pound yang menyatakan bahwa:

“Besar kemungkinan kemajuan tertinggi dalam ilmu hukum modern adalah karena perubahan pandangan analitis ke fungsional”.




Nathan Roscoe Pound adalah seorang sarjana hukum dan pendidik Amerika. Ia lahir pada tanggal 27 Oktober 1870 di Lincoln, Nebraska, Amerika dan wafat pada tanggal 30 Juni 1964 Cambridge, Massachusetts, Amerika. Ia menjabat sebagai Dekan Sekolah Tinggi Hukum Universitas Nebraska dari tahun 1903 hingga 1911 dan Dekan Sekolah Hukum Harvard dari tahun 1916 hingga 1936. Ia juga adalah seorang anggota dari Universitas Northwestern, Sekolah Hukum Universitas Chicago dan fakultas di Sekolah Hukum UCLA di tahun-tahun awal sekolah, dari tahun 1949 hingga 1952.




  1. Phytogeography of Nebraska, 1898
  2. Outlines of lectures on jurisprudence, 1903
  3. The Decadence of Equity …, 1903
  4. Readings on the History & System of the Common Law, 1904
  5. Readings in Roman Law, 1906
  6. The spirit of the common law, 1906
  7. Spurious Interpretation, 1907
  8. Mechanical Jurisprudence …, 1908
  9. The Scope and Purpose of Sociological Jurisprudence, 1911
  10. Outline of a Course in the Law of Irrigation, 1912
  11. Legislation as a Social Function, 1912
  12. Irrigation Law, 1913
  13. Organization of courts, 1913
  14. The Place of Judge Story in the Making of American Law, 1914
  15. Cases on Equitable Relief Against Defamation and Injuries to Personality: Supplementary to Ames’s Cases in Equity Jurisdiction, Vol. I, 1915
  16. Law And Morals, 1915
  17. Lectures On The Philosophy Of Freemasonry, 1915
  18. A Bibliography of Procedural Reform, Including Organization of Courts, 1917
  19. Lectures on Jurisprudence, 1917
  20. The End of Law as Developed in Juristic Thought, 1917
  21. An Introduction to American Law: An Outline of a Course Delivered at the Trade Union College Under the Auspices of the Boston Central Labor Union, Spring Term, 1919. 1919
  22. The Progress of the Law, 1919-1920: Equity, 1920
  23. A Theory of Social Interests, 1921
  24. Maxims: Being Part 1 of the Maxims of Equity, 1921
  25. The Future of the Criminal Law, 1921
  26. Criminal Justice in America, 1922
  27. La filosofia nel diritto costituzionale Americano, 1922
  28. Pengantar falsafah undang-undang, 1922
  29. Interpretations of legal history, 1923
  30. The Theory of Judicial Decision, 1923
  31. Classification of Law, 1924
  32. The Future of the Common Law, 1933
  33. The formative era of American law, 1938
  34. Open Mind: Elmer Ernest Southard, 1876-1920. 1938
  35. Appellate procedure in civil cases, 1941
  36. Administrative Law: Its Growth, Procedure, and Significance, 1942
  37. Social control through law, 1942
  38. The Development of Constitutional Guarantees of Liberty, 1945
  39. Las grandes tendencias del pensamiento jurídico, 1950
  40. New Paths of the Law: First Lectures in the Roscoe Pound Lectureship Series, 1950
  41. Masonic addresses and writings, 1953
  42. The ideal element in law, 1958
  43. Law finding through experience and reason, 1960
  44. An Introduction to the Philosophy of Law – Scholar’s Choice Edition
  45. El debate Pound-Llewellyn
  46. Harvard Legal Essays, Written in Honor of and Presented to John Henry Beale and Samuel Williston
  47. Masonic Jurisprudence
  48. Philosophy of Freemasonry
  49. Philosophy Of Law: Twentieth Century Philosophy, Living School Of Thought
  50. Roscoe Pound; Philosopher of Law
  51. The Kingdom of Evils; Psychiatric Social Work Presented in One Hundred Case Histories, Together with a Classification of Social Divisions of Evil



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